28th August 2019
Brainteasers aren’t just good fun. They encourage creative, lateral thinking – and are a great way to keep learning alive over the long summer holidays. So challenge your family to these ten riddles and see who comes out on top.
28th August 2019
Brainteasers aren’t just good fun. They encourage creative, lateral thinking – and are a great way to keep learning alive over the long summer holidays. So challenge your family to these ten riddles and see who comes out on top.
28th August 2019
While part of the joy of summer is switching off, doing a little prep before September rolls around will help ensure a smooth start to the new school year. So here are our top tips to ease you into the autumn term.
28th August 2019
Keeping children engaged with their studies over the summer can be a challenge. Last year is already a distant memory, and September seems so far away. But with ‘summer slide’ a genuine concern, how can parents help their children stay on top of their learning, without sacrificing essential downtime?
20th June 2018
With the weather brightening and the end of term looming, thoughts are turning to that glorious two-month stretch of freedom. But as our lives get busier, and academic pressures increase, how do families make the most of their summer holidays together?
20th June 2018
According to a survey from activity app Hoop, one in four parents suffers from ‘FOSH’ – fear of the summer holidays. And with increasing numbers of families relying on two, full-time incomes, it’s no wonder that the expense – and sheer logistics – of the summer holidays strike dread into parents’ hearts.
20th June 2018
Get your summer off to an entertaining start with our fiendish family brainteasers. Designed to get everyone thinking, these riddles are a great way to give the mind a workout and have some fun at the same time.
Complete the form below, or send an email to info@figtreelearning.com
We’ll aim to get back to you within 48 hours.